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Brighter than sunshine ☼ → Gaelíe's world

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Brighter than sunshine ☼ → Gaelíe's world Empty Brighter than sunshine ☼ → Gaelíe's world

Mensaje por Brian J. Molko Vie Jun 26, 2015 2:29 pm

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Brian J. Molko

Mensajes : 10
Fecha de inscripción : 25/06/2015


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Brighter than sunshine ☼ → Gaelíe's world Empty Re: Brighter than sunshine ☼ → Gaelíe's world

Mensaje por Brian J. Molko Miér Jul 29, 2015 3:35 pm

<div class="top-bar"> <div class="top-bar-2"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td><div class="top-bar-welcome">welcome to <b>we could be gigantic</b> we are a no word count, shipper application, celebrity roleplay set in two locations. london, england and los angeles, california. if you're joining us, please register with <b>first last</b> in all <b>lowercase</b>.</div></td><td><div style="width: 10px"></div></td><td><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td><a href="http://worththerisk.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=15"><div class="top-bar-link">plot</div></a></td><td><div style="width: 5px"></div></td><td><a href="http://worththerisk.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=19"><div class="top-bar-link-2">rules</div></a></td><td><div style="width: 5px"></div></td><td><a href="http://worththerisk.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=20"><div class="top-bar-link">groups</div></a></td></tr></tbody></table><div style="height: 5px"></div><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td><a href="http://worththerisk.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=21"><div class="top-bar-link-2">shipper</div></a></td><td><div style="width: 5px"></div></td><td><a href="http://worththerisk.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=27"><div class="top-bar-link">faces</div></a></td><td><div style="width: 5px"></div></td><td><a href="http://worththerisk.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=29"><div class="top-bar-link-2">directory</div></a></td></tr></tbody></table><div style="height: 5px"></div><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td><a href="http://worththerisk.jcink.net/index.php?showforum=17"><div class="top-bar-link">requests</div></a></td><td><div style="width: 5px"></div></td><td><a href="http://worththerisk.jcink.net/index.php?act=Members&amp;max_results=10&amp;sort_key=posts&amp;sort_order=desc"><div class="top-bar-link-2">members</div></a></td><td><div style="width: 5px"></div></td><td><a href="http://worththerisk.jcink.net/index.php?showforum=90"><div class="top-bar-link">adverts</div></a></td></tr></tbody></table></td><td><div style="width: 10px"></div></td><td><a href="#?w=350" rel="popup-kaye" class="poplight"><div class="top-bar-staff"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/dvFDOBS.gif"></div></a></td><td><div style="width: 10px"></div></td><td><a href="#?w=350" rel="popup-coral" class="poplight"><div class="top-bar-staff"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/eTj4jNq.gif"></div></a></td><td><div style="width: 10px"></div></td><td><div class="top-bar-updates">
<div class="top-bar-updates-list"><b>8/7</b> - <a href="http://worththerisk.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=822">activity check is up!!</a><br><br><b>29/06</b> - happy birthday coral!<br><br><b>26/06</b> - and we're open finally! we're so excited to have you all join us, it's been a short but very rocky journey but now we're here and we can't wait to roleplay with you all. if you spot anything out of place or broken, please let us know so we can fix it!</div></div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div>

Brian J. Molko

Mensajes : 10
Fecha de inscripción : 25/06/2015


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Brighter than sunshine ☼ → Gaelíe's world Empty Re: Brighter than sunshine ☼ → Gaelíe's world

Mensaje por Brian J. Molko Miér Jul 29, 2015 6:17 pm

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Brian J. Molko

Mensajes : 10
Fecha de inscripción : 25/06/2015


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Brighter than sunshine ☼ → Gaelíe's world Empty Re: Brighter than sunshine ☼ → Gaelíe's world

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